Saturday, 25 October 2008

jess n rachel's brizzare house party with red bull and cider...and youtube...and a shaking chimmney

Rachel is liking this idea to annoy the neighbours by playing 'general' metal. 20:53 - 13 comments

Jessica Puplett at 20:58 on 25 October
^_^ how loud can we go? hehehe theyll be glad when we're out laters.....

Rachel Eardley at 21:00 on 25 October

Rachel Eardley at 21:00 on 25 October
Think Its gd that sarah is not here lol

Jessica Puplett at 21:05 on 25 October
lmao im being so amused by this. i have to write to you as i cant hear you over the music :p

Rachel Eardley at 21:07 on 25 October
rofl (not literally) i quite like where i am sat but lols lots ....its is amusing hehe hehe

Jessica Puplett at 21:08 on 25 October
kiss of death!!!

Rachel Eardley at 21:09 on 25 October
plus ya be able to see if i was actually doing the above mention thing

Rachel Eardley at 21:09 on 25 October

Jessica Puplett at 21:17 on 25 October
its a party!!! wheres my cider??

Jessica Puplett at 21:21 on 25 October
rachel.... bits of our chimney appear to be falling off....

Rachel Eardley at 21:23 on 25 October
its when the walls start to crumble that u shud be worried
Rachel Eardley at 21:25 on 25 October
*Watches vase on mantle intently*

Jessica Puplett at 22:07 on 25 October
rachel, more redd bull! for the team rachel, do it for the team!!

one very brizzare conversation on facebook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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