Thursday, 7 January 2010

end of a begining

new year, new start or thats how its supposed to work....

1st blog post of the year 2010, manchester is a weird and wintery wonderland of awesomeness at the moment...SNOW everywhere which is amazing I <3>
however it did put a crimp in my revision plan but hell I dont much caare at this point because its whay toooooo awesome!!! actually at the moment I am waiting for a forecast snow
storm.....3am supposed to hit I WANT MORE
SNOW! Maybe exams will be postponed ....wishfu thinking maybe ...maybe not
the snow this week has been legen-waitforit-
DARY! Some may even say EPIC!
everything disappeared under a blanket of white...snow is the icing on the cake...I <3>
it makes every seem so clean and pretty ~ can pretend we is in Canada till some1 is mean enough to destroy ya snowcat grrrr! a canadian wouldn't do that...anyhoooooo

snow caused uni to be closed for two days so NO
library win? well I took a couple of snow days revising from home was never gonna happen...although there was no one else around...I had fun with snow as much as one can have by ones self with snow built the forementioned snow cat ...
snow walks rock! I admired someones handywork in creating an igloo (awesome word),
saw some very large Balls (oi snowballs)

two days later there are still piles of untouched snow waiting for someone (me??) to jump into em I am hoping that tonight and this weekend we get more so when Jess gets back from near wales we can make snow dinosaurs ( yes I am actually 6 years old!)

snow rocks!!!

ok next blog will be slightly more serious maybe
in a bit Rapher xxx

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