Tuesday, 14 September 2010

completely pointless

hmmm I wanted to write a blog post but not really sure what to say… so I am just going to ramble till I get something I can or want to use, this may mean that what I am writing at this second wont be left in and in that case all this is pointless….and if it does get left it is still pretty pointless except that it states that it is in fact utterly pointless

so at this point, if any of this is still here…I may as well continue to waste letters and your time if you are still reading at this point…who are you anyway, do I know you?…why are you reading this? maybe at this poi…wait think of new word …erm…at this junction in time you may be thinking…”maybe this rambling nutter might actually talk about something of some interest”….well maybe I will I haven’t written it yet, though I would have thought the title gave something away or did it? hmmm I don’t know as I said just mere seconds ago ( a passage of time which is only really applicable to me the writer) I don’t know I have yet to reach the point in this collection of words at which I make any sort of point, be it concluding or otherwise…whether this will ever happen, you will have to wait I suppose I at this current moment in spacetime know as much as you about this apparent event or possible non event that may or may not happen. Are you willing to stick around? To be honest, I myself have somewhat given up on anything happening, or have I? May it was all ruse…and something is about to occur………what? was that it …..ooooh look there goes the point….it left when I wrote the title

I am bored sorry …if you read that very sorry for wasting your time

was there a point? like a lot of things, completely relative and up to you who ever the hell you are… peace

btw that could have been longer but I started to confuse myself

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